Improve your sales productivity and close more deals with Microsoft Sales Copilot

In our previous blog we explored how Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot is revolutionising New Zealand businesses, but how can this groundbreaking tool help improve your sales productivity?

Seamlessly integrating with various Microsoft platforms like Outlook, Teams, and Dynamics 365 Sales, as well as Salesforce, Microsoft Sales Copilot offers an array of benefits tailored specifically for businesses in New Zealand including:

  • AI-generated lead and opportunity summaries.
    Copilot relies on generative AI to instantly summarise leads and opportunities, providing comprehensive insights and integration with Outlook for seamless updates and to fast-track sales processes and hasten deal closures.

  • Simplified customer meeting preparation by automatically summarising previous interactions, notes, and CRM insights.
    For meetings, Copilot identifies scheduled appointments, offering a comprehensive view of recent correspondences and essential notes, empowering sellers to make informed decisions on the go. Post-meeting, Copilot automates follow-ups via email, available in both Outlook and Dynamics 365 Sales.

  • Real-time guidance during Teams meetings.
    During Teams meetings, Copilot provides real-time coaching tips via the Copilot Teams panel, enabling sellers to respond swiftly and accurately to customer queries or competitor mentions.

  • Contextualised email summaries and follow-ups derived from Outlook and CRM data.
    Copilot suggests tailored content based on Outlook and CRM data, expediting follow-ups and deal progress, with customisation options available before sending.

  • Collaboration spaces within Copilot.
    To foster stronger connections among sellers, customers, and team members via Teams.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot is a sales powerhouse that is transforming how New Zealand businesses operate. Embracing this cutting-edge solution means unlocking new heights of operational efficiency, smarter decision-making, and a work environment built for collaboration and adaptability.

If you are keen to find out more and to see if Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot is a suitable option for your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us to arrange a time for a one on one chat with one of our specialist consultants - click here to book your session now.


Connect with your customers more effectively with Microsoft Copilot


Unlocking Innovation: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot